Member of editorial board of Politique européenne,
Member of the coordinating team of Groupe de recherche sur l'Union européenne (GrUE),
Latest publications:
Anja Thomas (2020): [Peer-reviewed article] ‘Domesticating’ and Differentiating the European Union: Parliamentary EU experts in the Assemblée Nationale and the Bundestag, Politique européenne, 1-2 (67-68), p. 158-186.
Anja Thomas (2020): [Book review] Gavin Barret: The evolving roles of national parliaments in the European Union. Ireland as a case study, Revue trimestrielle de droit européen, July-September, p. 1-3 (bibliographical notes).
Anja Thomas (2020): [Book review] Alfredo De Feo / Michael Shackleton: Shaping Parliamentary Democracy. Collected Memories from the European Parliament, Palgrave 2019 », Journal for Common Market Studies, 2019, 58, 03, p. 780-81.
Anja Thomas (2019): [Book] Assemblée nationale, Bundestag and the European Union. The Micro-Sociological Causes of the European Integration Paradox, NOMOS: Baden-Baden.