Sociologue, directeur d’études à l’EHESS

Farhad Khosrokhavar  is professor at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, France and the director of the “Observatoire de la radicalisation” at the “Maison des Sciences de l’Homme” in Paris. His main fields of study are the social movements in Iran, mainly after the Islamic Revolution; Arab societies, in particular radical Islamist movements in them; the Arab revolutions to which he devoted his last book; Jihadism in Europe with a focus on France. He has published 18 books, three of which translated respectively in eight or nine different languages and more than 70 articles, in French, English, and Persian.

He has been a Rockefeller fellow (1990), has given conferences in different European and American universities (Saint Antony’s college in Oxford Britain, Princeton, NYU, Columbia, UCLA, USC, Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Texas University at Austin…), a Yale Visiting Scholar in 2008 and a Harvard Visiting Scholar in 2009.

His latest books are:

-The Trilogy L’Utopie sacrifiée, sociologie de la révolution iranienne, Presses de Sciences Po., Paris, 1991;L’islamisme et la mort, le martyre révolutionnaire en Iran, L’Harmattan, Paris, 1995; L’anthropologie de la révolution iranienne, L’Harmattan, 1998.

-Muslims in Prison : a comparative perspective between Great Britain and France (avec James Beckford et Danièle Joly), Palgrave, London, 2005

-Suicide Bombers, The New Martyrs of Allah (translation from French), Pluto Press, Michigan University Press, 2005.

- Quand Al Qaeda Parle: témoignages derrière les barreaux, Grasset, Paris, 2006.

-Inside Jihadism: Understanding Jihadi Movements Worldwide (Yale Cultural Sociology Series), Paradigm Publishers, 2009.

-Etre jeune dans le pays des ayatollahs (in cooperation with Amir Nikpey), Robert Laffont Publishers, Paris, 2009.

- Jihadist Ideology, The Anthropological Perspective, CIR, Aarhus University, Danemark, 2011.

-The New Arab Revolutions that Shook the World, 2012, Paradigm Publishers.

-Radicalisation, Maison  des sciences de l’homme, 2014

-Le jihadisme, (with David Bénichou & Philippe Migaux), Plon, 2015.

-Prisons de France, Robert Laffont, 2016.